“Perfect for the Needs of Installers”

Essential Install, a premier custom installation magazine based in the UK, recently examined Totem’s vast portfolio of architectural speakers. They found “Totem’s unique approach to design delivers a family of speakers perfect for the needs of installers.”

Of particular interest to them was Totem’s ability to deliver wide and constant dispersion. They found this to be invaluable in the UK as the wide range of housing stock and building materials and techniques encountered means speaker placement can be a challenge. They fittingly compared our dispersion to a floodlight filling a room with light as opposed to a flashlight illuminating just a small area. This makes the challenge of placement far easier, simplifying their jobs while providing the customer with the acoustic experience they seek.

Discover Totem’s CI (Custom Install) models and get inspired to bring room filling yet stealthy speakers to all your currently silent rooms!

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