Fire V2 Brings Reviewer to Tears

Dutch site FWD fell hard for the rapturous influence of the Element Fire V2.

The reviewer greatly appreciated many of the venerable Fire V2’s abilities and gifts.  The raves start with how the Fire V2 stimulates the eye with the impeccable finish of the luxuriant Dusk finish and captivating shape.  The acoustic impression even stronger.  Fire V2 created an atmosphere that extended far beyond room dimensions, mystically recreating studio and live performances with starling accuracy.  Vocalists had perfect height, timbre, and liveliness while instruments possessed the speed, presence, and impact normally only associated with a live performance.  And of course, any speaker equipped with a Torrent driver always garners awe and praise for its remarkable bass ability.

There is a mission for which Totem strives, even beyond that of conveying stirring sound. Totem seeks to create an emotional connection to the music.  It is a deeper impression achieved only when a speaker can bond the listener and artist to create a mutual appreciation.  The reviewer states during his audition that “I listened to the music with tears in my eyes.”  Mission accomplished.

Read the whole review here

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